Van de buste torso tot condooms, pruiken of een jurk. Op de DreamDoll Options webpagina vind je alles wat interessant is om op te bieden over onze DreamDoll modellen. Zo zijn bijvoorbeeld onze RealDoll buste modellen hier te bekijken en te bestellen. Een mogelijkheid om vooraf kennis te maken met ons model. Omdat de buste torso een kopie is van onze full-body modellen. Klik door onze portfolio en ontdek de fascinerende wereld van onze liefdespoppen, die ongeëvenaard zijn - maar die je waarschijnlijk niet snel zult vinden. Zeker gezien de lage prijzen!

Uitstekende kwaliteit
De DreamDoll / RealDoll buste-modelvariant is een wat uitgeklede versie van de originele DreamDoll, maar het is en blijft een zeer exclusief, luxe product. Onze opties overtuigen door hun hoge verwerkingskwaliteit, de waarde van de gebruikte materialen en het realistische lichaamsgevoel dat u binnenkort niet meer wilt missen

Vragen over DreamDoll-opties? Neem contact op!

Ben je geïnteresseerd in onze Real Doll torso-poppen, maar wil je nog een paar vragen stellen? U kunt ons altijd bereiken via ons contactformulier, ook voor suggesties, kritiek en verzoeken. Wees niet bang om contact met ons op te nemen. We zijn net zo discreet met vragen van u als bij het verzenden van onze exclusieve producten. Onze verpakkingen worden neutraal gehouden, zonder enig logo of enige aanduiding van wat erin zit!

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A real Erotic Star is comming to you.

Bust – 34C / 75 C (DE)
Shoe Size – 7
Height – 5 feet 1 inch
Weight ~ 77,16 lbs
Clothing Size – 8
Silicone exterior

- Waterproof
- Hypoallergenic
- Completely articulated skeletons
- Manufactured in France
- Compatible with water based lubes
- Vacuum seal created upon penetration for maximum pleasure
- Anatomically correct oral, vaginal and anal cavities
- Localized internal heat source warms openings
- Packaging: high stable custom storage containers.

Products Characteristics
Heating vagina and anus, delivered with charger sector, White skin, Nude colored natural soft vagina, Pink nipples (or see option list), French manicure, Two -piece passion red luxury lingerie ,Transparent undershirt and G-string, Weight : around 34 kilos,

Discreet delivery in neutral box - cardboard of transport, for an average deadline of delivery of 4 weeks without exceeding 8 weeks following the reception of payment.

Productiontime: 3 up to 3 Weeks (+-1 Week) max.
Delivery time: 12 to 72 hours (latest) after payment is done (inside EU)!

Levertijd: 3 tot 4 weken
instead of 8.318,10 EUR only 6.190,00 EUR you save 26% / 2.128,10 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll Wig Delilah Order Nr.: 11151

Fantasticallybeautifulcurlspairedwith feminine charmawait youatthis wig.

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 326,00 EUR only 211,90 EUR you save 35% / 114,10 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
Bra Set Red Order-Nr.: 22101771330
BH-Set Rotes Set mit schwarzem Spitzenüberzug und Schleifenverzierung. Push up-Bügel-BH mit gefütterten Cups, verstellbaren Trägern und Hakenverschluss hinten. Dazu passender String. 90% Polyamid, 10% Elasthan.

22101771230 - EAN: 4024144166992

22101771240 - EAN: 4024144167005

22101771320 - EAN: 4024144167012

22101771330 - EAN: 4024144167029

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 69,00 EUR only 39,00 EUR you save 43% / 30,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
BH Rüschen Set Order-Nr.: 2230275 3101
Neckholder-BH und String
aus großen, rosafarbenen Rüschen-Blüten. Im Rücken nur Gummis. 95% Polyester, 5% Elasthan.

EAN: 4024144166541
Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 69,00 EUR only 39,00 EUR you save 43% / 30,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
Bikini Order-Nr.: 2230054 1121
Bikini Was fürs Auge!
Neckholder-Top mit geschlitzten Cups und angenähten Deko-Schleifen plus Slip. Schwarze Spitze in Kombination mit neonpinker Gummilitze. 100% Polyamid.

22300541111 - EAN: 4024144149681

22300541121 - EAN: 4024144149698

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 49,00 EUR only 29,00 EUR you save 41% / 20,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
Hebe Set "Jolie" Order-Nr.: 2220113 1240
Hebe-Set "Jolie" Bügel-Hebe mit verstellbaren Trägern und Clipverschluss hinten. Der Strapsgürtel schmückt Sie mit der Strasskette vorne und ist hinten mit einem Hakenverschluss zu schließen. Strapshalter verstellbar. Der dazu passende String ist im Schritt ganz offen. Schwarz. 92% Polyester, 8% Elasthan. Ohne Strümpfe.
Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 69,00 EUR only 39,00 EUR you save 43% / 30,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
BH Set Abierta Order Nr.: 2211513 1041
BH-Set "Abierta" Süßes Set aus schwarzer Spitze mit silberfarbenen Glitzer-Details. BH mit geschlitzten Cups, Clipverschluss hinten sowie Neckholder zum Binden. Zwischen den Cups mit Strassverzierung. String mit offener Scham und Strassverzierung vorne. 80% Polyester, 20% Metall.
Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 69,00 EUR only 35,00 EUR you save 49% / 34,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
Hebe-Strapsset Bestell-Nr.: 2630753 1251
Schwarzes Set mit roter Stickerei vorne und hinten und Schleifchenverzierung. Strapshemd mit Bügel-Hebe und leicht gefütterten Cups. Träger und Strapse verstellbar. Hakenverschluss hinten. Dazu passender String mit offenem Schritt. 100% Polyamid.

26307531231 - EAN: 4024144129805

26307531241 - EAN: 4024144129812

26307531251 - EAN: 4024144129843

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 69,00 EUR only 49,00 EUR you save 29% / 20,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 0,00 EUR only 0,00 EUR you save NAN% / 0,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
Levertijd: 3 tot 4 weken
instead of 2.844,10 EUR only 1.990,00 EUR you save 30% / 854,10 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll Wig Desire Order Nr.: 5134

Powerlocksfor strongperformances.The long,wildcurlsare an absolute eye-catcher.

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 338,00 EUR only 219,70 EUR you save 35% / 118,30 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll Repairset small

DreamDoll repairset (small)

Repair-Set "SMALL" for quick access:
To be prepaired for the small snags of life.

1 x Part A = 25ml
1 x Part B = 25 ml

The two containers of 25 ml, including your choice color. If you have any questions about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are very happy for each additional exchange of information available.

Production time: 1 to 3 days (+ - 2 days)

The delivery cost (¤ 15) are in the gross purchase price not included, in the case of that which has been separately order the repair kit!

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 129,00 EUR only 75,00 EUR you save 42% / 54,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll Repairset Big

DreamDoll Repair set Big

Repairset "LARGE" for a quick access:
To be prepared for the small snags of life.

1 x Part A = 50 ml in dosing syringe
1 x Part B = 50 ml in dosing syringe
- Gloves
-. Div Mixing Cups
-. Div wooden spatula.

The two containers of 50 ml, including your choice color, protective gloves and association maintains, carefully packed to repair small rips of your Dreamdoll model. The repair kit is very easy to handle and easy to mix, two small syringes in equal amounts of silicone . and adhesive, secure the right mix The silicone is dried out in two to four hours, complete; depending on the room temperature.No expiration date if storage is backed up with the absence of light and air!

If you have any questions about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are very happy for each additional exchange of information available.

Production time: 1 to 3 days (+ - 2 days)

The delivery cost (15 ¤) are not included with the gross purchase price. This applies only if you did not order the kit with a model together.
Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 199,00 EUR only 125,00 EUR you save 37% / 74,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll CHLEA Head

DreamDoll Creation's Sextoy head

DreamDoll Sextoy:
Be impressed by originality and detail in connection with the shape and feminine expression of one of the most beautiful models, was created in our studio, "the DreamDoll- head section," a lifelike SEX SIMULATION absolute EXTRA CLASS in modern NEW TIME . Our Dreamdoll head Model is a fully functional replica of a female head, abgecovert of our Dreamdoll ORIGINAL (RLS PLUS) Model version. We have (including Oral intake) with a safe stand equipped most-popular Dreamdoll head Chlea (with Suction Cup) here. This is visible on the shoulder seam.

All properties of an erotically appealing bombshell have been united in this header area is perfect for you. This model is made up with all your erotisch- sexually appealing attributes, perfect for you in the limelight. One option that may have a more natural property is a heated mouth, we (surcharge) like to be able to produce for you on request.

Of course, you can select your desired wig and make wishes for MakeUp contends. We like to advise you, if desired, comprising about this product, via email or phone.

Dimensions for Dreamdoll head:

Height: about 33 cm
Width: about 28 cm
Depth: 20 cm
Oral intake depth: about 12 cm - 14 cm

Hair color: red, dark, blond
Included: Oral - heating (12 V / 50 Hz / surcharge)

+ 1 year warranty / internal substructure

If you have any questions about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are very happy for each additional exchange of information available.

Production time: 1 to 3 days (+ - 2 days)

The delivery charges are already included in the gross purchase price!

Levertijd: 3 tot 4 weken
instead of 831,81 EUR only 499,00 EUR you save 40% / 332,81 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll Wig Flash Order Nr.: 9557

This hairstyleiscutverysaucy.Voluminous,shortandsassy.

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 244,00 EUR only 158,60 EUR you save 35% / 85,40 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll Sextoy Buttock
DreamDoll Creation's Sextoy butt / buttocks
Order No: DT 501 050

DreamDoll - Sextoy: Be impressed by the originality, clarity and details in connection with the shape of one of the most beautiful models, developed in our studio, "the DreamDoll butt section," the absolutely first-class SEX SIMULATION in the modern time. Our DreamDoll butt section is a fully functional replica of an ass (including vaginal and anal entry) of a beautiful woman. All properties of an erotically appealing bombshell were perfectly combined in this model. This model is with all of your erotic and sexually appealing attributes, perfect for your Dreams.

DreamDoll Sextoy - Butt / Po Measures:

Dimensions: = 35 x 30 x 25 cm
Weight: = 9 kg
Skin color: you can choose between 4 different skin tones
Features: vagina and anus / Can be used in both positions!
Processing: talc-free, no stick / Vulgarisationsfrei!

+ 1 year manufacturer's warranty / internal substructure
If you have any questions about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are very happy for any further information exchange.

Production time: 10 to 15 days (+- 3 Days)
The delivery charges are included in gross purchase price!

M E C H T E C H mechanical - technologies,
DreamDoll EUROPE,
Distributions & Cooperation’,
Wholesales and Retail- Services

www.dreamdoll.de , Email: info@dreamdoll.de

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 999,00 EUR only 789,00 EUR you save 21% / 210,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 0,00 EUR only 0,00 EUR you save NAN% / 0,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll Wig Naomi Order Nr.: 327466

Beautifullong-hairedmodelwith hairbeyond theshoulders!Thesilky-soft synthetichairs arelong and smoothandcharmingfallonyourdecollete!

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 275,00 EUR only 178,75 EUR you save 35% / 96,25 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DDC Extra Vagina Inlet(s) O. Nr.: DDCRV-1020

DreamDoll Creation's Extra Inlet (s) for Changeable vagina

Distributions & Cooperations, wholesale and retail trade
www.dreamdoll.de, Email: info@dreamdoll.de

Dream Doll - Extra Inlet for Changeable Vagina: Let impressed by originality and original detail in connection with the form of one of the most beautiful models, originated in our Dream Doll Studio, "the Dreamdoll-Removable Vasgina / Exchangeable Vagin; here Extra Inlet for Removable vagina , a SEX SIMULATION absolute EXTRA CLASS in modern New time.

Our Dreamdoll Exchangeable vagina, is a fully functional replica of the female vagina, where this option is one then allows the vagina to take out. You have to imagine so that here now erhalltbare extra Inlet is predetermination to be easily screwed in the vagina, the Exchangeable. Our producer has the Exchangeable vagina so prepared is not harmed by his conduct to the overview screen of the vagina. Thus, for example, when opening the legs, the overview screen will always, of course; what with Changeable vaginas of other manufacturers is not unfortunately the case!

All properties and claims as they would find in an erotically appealing bombshell have been perfectly combined in this model. This model sets with all your erotisch- sexually appealing attributes, perfect for you in scene.

DreamDoll- Extra Inlet for Changeable vagina:

Weight: 0.25 kg =
Color: You can choose between 4 different skin tones
Features: Vagina Inlet / Suitable for all positions!
Inlet Soft Zone: You can choose between 3 levels of softness
Processing: talc-free; no glue / Vulgarisationsfrei!

If you have any questions about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are very happy for any further information exchange.

Production time: 2 to 3 days (+ - 1 days)
The delivery costs are included in the gross purchase price!
Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 129,00 EUR only 99,00 EUR you save 23% / 30,00 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll Wig Diabolina Bestell Nr.: 19957

Long,shiny hairis a symbol offemininity.

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 274,00 EUR only 178,10 EUR you save 35% / 95,90 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll Wig New Style 530 Order Nr.: 18524
New Style530

Veryvoluminousbobwith a cheekypony.

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 256,00 EUR only 166,40 EUR you save 35% / 89,60 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll Wig Robin Order Nr.: 31715

Gorgeous, graceful fashion-conscious dream with long hair cut step - a real eye-catcher!

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 300,00 EUR only 195,00 EUR you save 35% / 105,00 EUR
incl. 7 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll Wig Vogue Order Nr.: 65666

Iflong hairaregood for you,thenyouwill lovethis model!

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 249,00 EUR only 161,85 EUR you save 35% / 87,15 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
DreamDoll Wig Pam HI TEC Order Nr.: 36378

Iflong hairaregood for you,thenyouwill lovethis model!

Levertijd: 1-2 Days
instead of 256,00 EUR only 166,40 EUR you save 35% / 89,60 EUR
incl. 19 % Omzetbelasting
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