Auf der Suche nach einem sinnlichen Liebeserlebnis, das einer echten, lebenden Dame extrem nahe kommt? Willkommen bei der DreamDoll X-Treme, einer der beliebtesten Puppen der Welt. Diese schönen Puppen wurden fachmännisch entworfen und aus medizinischem Silikon hergestellt. Sobald Sie die sexuelle Ausstrahlung einer DreamDoll erlebt haben, werden Sie sie als Meisterwerk moderner Kreativität betrachten.
Sie haben die Wahl zwischen Maeva, Chlea oder Julia - jede von ihnen einzigartig schön. Mit DreamDoll finden Sie mit Sicherheit eine perfekte Ergänzung. Hier bei DreamDoll lassen wir Sie die Details auswählen, die für die Erfüllung unserer Wünsche so wichtig sind. Auf der Suche nach einer temperamentvollen Blondine? Willst du eine schwüle Brünette? Oder suchen Sie vielleicht ein Mädchen mit seidigen, kohlschwarzen Haaren? Was immer Sie wünschen, Sie können es haben - bei DreamDoll. Sie können auch zwischen heller oder dunkler Haut wählen und den Stil und die Farbe der Vagina Ihrer Puppe auswählen - neben einer Reihe anderer physischer Spezifikationen. Finden Sie die Frau Ihrer Träume - mit DreamDoll!
Wir freuen uns immer über Ihre Fragen! Wir antworten schnell und mit höchster Diskretion. Sollten Sie die gewünschten Informationen auf dieser Seite nicht finden, schreiben Sie uns einfach eine E-Mail, füllen Sie das Kontaktformular aus oder rufen Sie uns unter 0049 (0) 4748 820 347 an.
Dream Doll Creation EUROPE presents:
The Dream Doll Creation X-TREME (formerly Custom) - Model Version:
+++ Option possible: Full body heated Doll
+ Face type: select yourself (Asia, European, African).
+ Faces: 6 Faces free available (you can choose between 6 faces)
+ Height: 1.68 meters
+ Dimensions: 90 - 63-92
+ 3 breast sizes selectable (no extra charge):
+ Breast Size: 90B (FR); 34B; (GB) 12A (AU); 75B (DE) CUP = KLEIN
+ Breast Size: 90C (FR); 34B; (GB) 12B (AU); 75C (DE) CUP = MEDIUM
+ Breast Size: 90D (FR); 34C; (GB) 12C (AU); 75D (DE) CUP = Large
+ Option (plus extra charge):
+ 30% breast enlargement on 90D (FR); 34DD; 34E (GB); 75E (DE) CUP = Gross + 30%
+ Dress Size: 38th
+ Weight 37 kg + / -5%
+ Hair color: black, blond, brown, medium brown and red
+ Hair length: you can choose between long or short hair
+ Eye Color: Blue, extra- blue, green extra-, green, gray.
+ Skin color: select between 4 basic colors / skin types:
Standard color, Asian, Latino brown, black African.
+ Special makeup: silicone-based color makeup; is created by our award-winning makeup designer.
+ Our Dreamdoll models are freely modifiable!
+ 1 year warranty / internal substructure and production damage
+ INFO: Full manual / USER CARE GUIDE
With extensive precautions and repair instructions for use of repair kits.
- Face type: TANIA European face.
- Face type: SORIA European face.
- Face Type: SWAN Asian face.
- Face type: Chlea European face.
- Face type: JULIA European face
- Face type: MAEVA European face
Ultra-realistic sex characteristics (Sexparts)
Super Jiggly Breast, Butt & Hip & Sexpart technology!
Ultra-realistic sex characteristics (Sexparts)
Production time: For a Dream Doll X-TREME- Model we need about 2-3 weeks (+ - 1 week) for production.
Delivery time after the end of production: 24 - 48 hour; inerhalb the EU (+ -24 hours).
Dream Doll Creation EUROPE presents:
The Dream Doll Creation X-TREME (formerly Custom) - Model Version:
+++ Option possible: Full body heated Doll
+ Face type: select yourself (Asia, European, African).
+ Faces: 6 Faces free available (you can choose between 6 faces)
+ Height: 1.68 meters
+ Dimensions: 90 - 63-92
+ 3 breast sizes selectable (no extra charge):
+ Breast Size: 90B (FR); 34B; (GB) 12A (AU); 75B (DE) CUP = KLEIN
+ Breast Size: 90C (FR); 34B; (GB) 12B (AU); 75C (DE) CUP = MEDIUM
+ Breast Size: 90D (FR); 34C; (GB) 12C (AU); 75D (DE) CUP = Large
+ Option (plus extra charge):
+ 30% breast enlargement on 90D (FR); 34DD; 34E (GB); 75E (DE) CUP = Gross + 30%
+ Dress Size: 38th
+ Weight 37 kg + / -5%
+ Hair color: black, blond, brown, medium brown and red
+ Hair length: you can choose between long or short hair
+ Eye Color: Blue, extra- blue, green extra-, green, gray.
+ Skin color: select between 4 basic colors / skin types:
Standard color, Asian, Latino brown, black African.
+ Special makeup: silicone-based color makeup; is created by our award-winning makeup designer.
+ Our Dreamdoll models are freely modifiable!
+ 1 year warranty / internal substructure and production damage
+ INFO: Full manual / USER CARE GUIDE
With extensive precautions and repair instructions for use of repair kits.
- Face type: TANIA European face.
- Face type: SORIA European face.
- Face Type: SWAN Asian face.
- Face type: Chlea European face.
- Face type: JULIA European face
- Face type: MAEVA European face
Ultra-realistic sex characteristics (Sexparts)
Super Jiggly Breast, Butt & Hip & Sexpart technology!
Ultra-realistic sex characteristics (Sexparts)
Production time: For a Dream Doll X-TREME- Model we need about 2-3 weeks (+ - 1 week) for production.
Delivery time after the end of production: 24 - 48 hour; inerhalb the EU (+ -24 hours).
Dream Doll Creation EUROPE presents:
The Dream Doll Creation X-TREME (formerly Custom) - Model Version:
+++ Option possible: Full body heated Doll
+ Face type: select yourself (Asia, European, African).
+ Faces: 6 Faces free available (you can choose between 6 faces)
+ Height: 1.68 meters
+ Dimensions: 90 - 63-92
+ 3 breast sizes selectable (no extra charge):
+ Breast Size: 90B (FR); 34B; (GB) 12A (AU); 75B (DE) CUP = KLEIN
+ Breast Size: 90C (FR); 34B; (GB) 12B (AU); 75C (DE) CUP = MEDIUM
+ Breast Size: 90D (FR); 34C; (GB) 12C (AU); 75D (DE) CUP = Large
+ Option (plus extra charge):
+ 30% breast enlargement on 90D (FR); 34DD; 34E (GB); 75E (DE) CUP = Gross + 30%
+ Dress Size: 38th
+ Weight 37 kg + / -5%
+ Hair color: black, blond, brown, medium brown and red
+ Hair length: you can choose between long or short hair
+ Eye Color: Blue, extra- blue, green extra-, green, gray.
+ Skin color: select between 4 basic colors / skin types:
Standard color, Asian, Latino brown, black African.
+ Special makeup: silicone-based color makeup; is created by our award-winning makeup designer.
+ Our Dreamdoll models are freely modifiable!
+ 1 year warranty / internal substructure and production damage
+ INFO: Full manual / USER CARE GUIDE
With extensive precautions and repair instructions for use of repair kits.
- Face type: TANIA European face.
- Face type: SORIA European face.
- Face Type: SWAN Asian face.
- Face type: Chlea European face.
- Face type: JULIA European face
- Face type: MAEVA European face
Ultra-realistic sex characteristics (Sexparts)
Super Jiggly Breast, Butt & Hip & Sexpart technology!
Ultra-realistic sex characteristics (Sexparts)
Production time: For a Dream Doll X-TREME- Model we need about 2-3 weeks (+ - 1 week) for production.
Delivery time after the end of production: 24 - 48 hour; inerhalb the EU (+ -24 hours).